Problem 4: Data Problems lead to Action Problems

Problem 4: Data Problems lead
to Action Problems

Lack of reliable real-time data makes action impossible.

Strategic decision-making drives CX transformation. Leadership teams get the actual job done through organizational engagement. Better data and analytics ensure better execution.

Let’s talk about what we mean by CX data. It’s not about surveys. It is about much more.

Brand-level survey data has a problem. It is usually available too infrequently to be effective. As a CX leader, you want to engage the organization on an ongoing basis. Infrequency makes the task next to impossible.

“And so for a time it looked as if all the adventures were coming to
an end; but that was not to be.”


Customer experience data is a sideshow

In many organizations, the reality is that CX data is a sideshow. Management focus drifts towards it and away again, back and forth, as the year goes on. Once a quarter, perhaps as infrequently as once a year, management pushes action around data. The organization reluctantly puts up with this passing interest.

It’s not management’s fault. Low frequency, low quality data cannot help them achieve their goals. And they can’t integrate the data into their task flows when everything else is happening in real time.

This all seems pretty depressing. Because it is. There is a way out of this chasm.

Everyone wants to act, and to react to CX data.

We must move to real-time data and insights

We have over 15 years of experience with a huge number of customers. We have learned how to change the quality of the data, change the frequency of the insights, and ensure the organization will respond naturally with action and behavior changes.

Everyone wants to act, and to react to CX data. But it must be to the new version of CX data: real time, using operational and financial sources, based on high-quality analytics, providing comprehensive and actionable insights. We call this Spectrum NPS.

Before describing solutions in more detail, let’s go back to the bottom of our chasm. Let’s dig even deeper.

Next time: Whatever you think, you don’t know your own performance.


OCX Cognition delivers the future of NPS. We ensure customer experience success by combining technology and data science with programmatic consulting. In our Insights section, we present a comprehensive and evolving collection of resources based on our research and expertise, collected for CX leaders committed to delivering business outcomes.