Covid-19 Means Your Company Has to Cut Costs?

Figure out how to do hard things well

When is fairness wrong? Could seeking invisibility be the way forward? We offer guidance for doing what’s right by your customers while meeting the inflexible financial demands of troubled times.

more on nps outcomes

Your NPS Data Is Exactly as Bad as The Sales Team Thinks It Is

Having a plan is critical to CX success. Project management skills are important.


The Optimal Customer Journey Is Profitable, Too

Microsoft’s farewell to its stores may be a good CX move.


What Can NPS Teach Us About “Responsible” Capitalism?

Focused, thoughtful metrics can be a powerful tool for social good.


The Three Root Causes of NPS Failure

What more than 1,000 implementations reveal about most CX program failures.


Bad News on Search for an NPS “Free Lunch”

For CX success, credit card teaser rates don’t always belong on the menu.


What Is the New NPS Manifesto?

Two years of research built on 15 years of CX leadership.


Covid-19 Means Your Company Has to Cut Costs?

Time for the CX leader to suggest how.


You Want to Justify a CX investment? Forget the Scorecards

Your CEO and leadership team don’t decide based on numbers.


How Much Is a Customer Worth? Good Question

There is currently no accounting standard for customer lifetime value. Here is our proposal.


The Relationship Between NPS Trends and Revenue

Here is the current state of NPS science, along with some pseudo-scientific counterpoints.


Calculating the Value of Improving CX in a Product Business

This is an essential step in justifying CX improvement projects


Problem 1: Unrealized Potential; the Top-level Issue

Most corporate CX strategies fail to deliver meaningful results. We know why.


Problem 5 – You Don’t Know Your Own Performance

Lack of rules for measuring and publishing NPS results causes problems.


Problem 8: CX Programs Don’t Generate Results

Having a plan is critical to CX success. Project management skills are important.


Problem 9: Post-Rationalization Comes Way Too Late

Managers often prefer their own preconceived ideas to the results of scientific CX research. It’s a human bias.


Problem 10: Not All Customers Are Equal; Far From It

Not all customers are financially equal. The differences can be extreme in B2B.


What Is the New NPS Manifesto?

Two years of research built on 15 years of CX leadership.


Will CX Leaders and Teams Survive the COVID-19 Crisis?

CX professionals report changes to governance, focus, and operations
